About Lynn Rogers, PhD, MFT

Photo of Lynn Rogers, PhD, MFT in Peanuts-style booth that says, "The Doctor Is In"

While I had supported a great many clients through significant life changes, including chronic illnesses, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer myself, I experienced the same shock, the same uncertainty and had the same questions that you might be having now. Working through those challenges in my own life, I am better equipped than ever to be a compassionate companion.


More like a guide than a traditional psychotherapist, Lynn skillfully coaches her clients and helps them navigate through the emotions, relationship challenges and practical issues arising from unexpected life circumstances and everyday living. In her more than 35 years as a family systems therapist, Lynn has specialized in working with people facing chronic and life-altering illnesses. She has also maintained a general therapy practice and served as a consultant to the first Palliative Care Program at Kaiser Hospitals in Northern California. She trained over 2,500 clinicians in her continuing education programs and has developed and facilitated retreats for patients, families and caregivers. Lynn earned her Ph.D. in Marriage and Family Therapy and is licensed by the State of California as a Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT).


Lynn certified as a Life Coach at the Coaches Training Institute (CTI). She blends her coaching expertise with her therapy experience to help people leverage their strengths and develop themselves in ways that bring greater success and satisfaction in their personal lives and careers.


With additional talents and credentials as varied as the clients she serves, Lynn is also a popular storyteller and keynote speaker. She lives in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico with her dog, Rosie, and cat, Olli. Wing walking on airplanes was her most unusual summer job. Being with friends, kayaking in the Sierras, and watching the pelicans fly past her balcony enrich her life.

Photo of therapist Lynn Rogers in a kayak on a lake